Tag Archives: Special Rapporteur

Summary of The UN Special Report on the Anti-Shia Discrimination in Bahrain

Summary of The UN Special Report on the Anti-Shia Discrimination in Bahrain

March 17th 2016, The latest UN Special Rapporteurs’ joint report documents patterns of continuous systemic discrimination towards the Shia majority in the Kingdom of Bahrain by the ruling regime since 2011 with measures that undermine the people’s rights and freedoms of religion, expression and culture. Continue reading →

Statement on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the uprising of February 14th 2011 in Bahrain

February 12th 2016, Montreal, Canada:

In the year 2015 we have borne witness to the continued perpetration of numerous violent actions by the government of Bahrain, many of which fly in the face of international laws and conventions and ignore the numerous condemnations voiced by members of the international community. Continue reading →

STATEMENT: Bahrainis Peaceful Gatherings Are Legitimate Rights

STATEMENT: Bahrainis Peaceful Gatherings Are Legitimate Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognize the freedom to peaceful assembly and association. In accordance with these documents, the UN Human Rights Council commits to the importance of the freedom to peaceful assembly in numerous resolutions. Continue reading →

Intervention À La Conférence: Le Printemps Arabe, 4 Ans Après, Bilan & Perspectives

Lors de la Journée Arabe organisé par MENA, un groupe étudiant de l’Université de Montréal, le 5 Novembre 2015, OJDH a participé à la conférence tenue dans le cadre de l’événement par une intervention intitulée: Le Bahreïn et la réalité des valeurs, des intérêts et le futur des droits humains. - Vidéo Continue reading →

JOINT STATEMENT: NGOs call to stop impeding the right to peaceful assembly in Bahrain

August 8, 2015

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights brings forth the rights to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, opinion and expression as well as the freedom to peaceful assembly and association in articles 18, 19 and 20. In support of these fundamental rights, the undersigned organizations emphasize the importance to abide by these articles and to fully maintain and implement them, as all attempts to repress, limit, derogate or oust these liberties constitute criminal action.

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Campaign: Free The Activists in Bahrain

On Tuesday June 23rd, JHRO has launched the Free The Activists in Bahrain Campaign in collaboration with its partner NGOs, raising awareness to the Human Rights Violations in the Kingdom and exposing the impunity practices of the authorities.

During the event, the Organization’s executive director Hugh Ali will be meeting with Canadians interested in understanding the nature of the Bahraini conflict.

Please visit the Campaign’s page to get the latest updates of the tour.